Our school proudly supports the Queensland government's 'Every day counts' initiative and is firmly committed to improving student attendance at school.
Keeping with a routine allows our students to learn at their full potential and minimises distractions.
Students are not permitted on the school grounds before 8:20 am and are encouraged not to be at school until 8:30 am.
Supervision does not commence by staff until 8:20 am, and once students arrive on school grounds, they are to assemble in the Undercover Area.
Students should be collected at the end of the school day at 2:55 pm. It is expected that parents and caregivers pick up their child/ren promptly once school finishes.
Any student not collected by 3:15 pm will be directed to wait in the office.
Bell times
8:20 am - Arrive at school (students supervised in undercover area)
8:35 am - Warning Bell (students move to classrooms)
9:00 am - First instruction session
11:00 am - First break
11:50 am - Second instruction session
1:20 pm - Second break
1:55 pm - Third instruction session
2:55 pm - End of school