


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Prep At Taabinga State School 

Starting school is an important milestone in a child's life – and supporting children to successfully transition to school helps foster their enthusiasm for lifelong learning.​​​​​

Taabinga State School has dedicated and talented teachers and full time Prep teacher aides, our Prep students are assured a great start to school life. Our staff's commitment to providing quality education is unequalled.

The Prep day includes a full developmental program which is derived from the P - 3 curriculum and the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines, and incorporates Age Appropriate Pedagogies.

Our students at Taabinga State School have access to all of the following and much more;

  • Strong community involvement and ties with local organisations
  • Celebratory activities—Under 8s, Book Week, Funs Runs, Premier's Reading Challenge, School Discos, Better Buddies Program, 100 days of school celebrations.
  • Comprehensive recycling and environmental programme with recycling buckets in every classroom.
  • Embedded opportunities for ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)
  • Music: instrumental music—brass, woodwind and percussion, drums, guitar lessons and choirs. Ukulele club, School band
  • Sporting programs: cricket, rugby league, Auskick
  • Athletics carnivals, cross country and swimming offered to all grades.
  • Outside School Hours Care including vacation care (run by Ki​dzMob)

Prep students attend for the whole day, which commences at 8:40am and finishes at 2:55pm.
Our Prep Teachers support and shape learning opportunities where children are actively engaged in purposeful learning experiences.
To be eligible for Prep, children must be aged 5 years by 30 June in the year they start Prep. Enter your child's birthday into the calculator and it will reveal what year your child can start

(Works only for Prep and Year 1)
There are some simple steps you can take to make your child’s first day at school more enjoyable and relaxed. Be prepared. The best thing you can do is to make the first day as calm and relaxed as possible.
At Taabinga, we strive to make the transition to Prep as smooth and stress-free as possible.

There are many opportunities and events for you and your child to become familiar with the school and staff the year before they commence Prep.

Prep Handbook

The Prep year of schooling is an exciting year – for children, their families and our school. Our Prep handbook is a guide for parents and families to get through a child's first year of schooling.
To enrol your child for prep at Taabinga State School, complete the enrolment package below and return the form with a copy of the child's birth certificate. Complete the enrolment package/form. Our office will contact you to arrange an interview. Enrolment interviews will be conducted in Term 4.
Last reviewed 21 January 2025
Last updated 21 January 2025