Learning Music at Taabinga State School
Music is one strand of the Arts Curriculum.
This program aims to develop an appreciation of music in each child and to develop skills in the following areas – singing, rhythmic development, movement, playing of instruments, listening and music literacy. All students Prep to Year 6 participate in music lessons.
Students participate in the Eisteddfod, Christmas Carols and Music Count Us In annually.
Mrs Salmon is our specialist music teacher.
Instrumental Music
The Department of Education provides instruction in the woodwind, brass and percussion instruments from Year 4.
A lesson timetable for instrumental lessons goes home each term.
Students receive one group lesson each week, and in the second year of learning are involved in the Taabinga State School Concert Band, rehearsing before school.
Instrumental Music students participate in the Kingaroy Eisteddfod and other events throughout the year. Taabinga State School offers the largest Instrumental Music Program in the South Burnett and offers an excellent transition into the award winning program at Kingaroy State High School.
Instrumental Hire
The Department of Education provides instruction in the woodwind, brass and percussion instruments from Year 4.
A lesson timetable for instrumental lessons goes home each term.
The school has instruments available for hire annually for $75.00 per instrument. In the second year of learning, students are encouraged to purchase their own instrument. Instrumental music students pay an annual fee of $25. This money covers the cost of consumables, music, and copyright fees. (Prices current as of 2024 – please contact the office to confirm prices)
The Instrumental Music Program is an ongoing program providing instrumental music education for students in Year 4 to Year 12. For additional information on the instrumental music program intent visit: http://education.qld.gov.au/strategic/eppr/curriculum/crppr006/