At Taabinga, we strive to make the transition to Prep as smooth and stress-free as possible. There are many opportunities and events for you and your child to become familiar with the school and staff the year before they commence Prep. We encourage you to attend as many of these great transition opportunities as you can.
Take Off is a part of Taabinga State School’s Pre-Prep program to support children and families as they transition into the school environment.
Take Off commences in Term 4 and is a fun filled family session which helps your Pre-Prep child build literacy, numeracy, oral language, fine and gross motor, social and emotional skills.
The sessions run for one and a half hours from 9am each Wednesday. A flyer is sent out advertising the commencement of the program.
Discussions with Admin for enrolment will occur
during 3rd & 4th Term. Ring the office on
4164 9111 to arrange an interview time.
School tours with one of our staff members can be
arranged by phoning the office on 4164 9111 and
arranging a suitable time